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Prezi is a unique presentation tool which can be used to help "spice" up teacher lessons. The user can create unique and nontraditional presentations which take on many forms. The presentations are not your basic linear PowerPoint. The user can select from one of the templates provided by Prezi or choose the blank template to start from scratch. Within the Prezi the user can insert text, images, symbols and shapes, diagrams, YouTube videos, Background music, or a file from his/her computer like a PowerPoint or Word document. Students should not create their own Prezi accounts.
For kindergarten and 1st graders, a properly cited book can be translated into a Prezi to make an average story time much more engaging and interesting.
2-3rd grade students can benefit from the timeline feature of Prezi during a history lesson. The timeline can be shown in its entirety, and then when one date or event is discussed, it can be zoomed in upon with additional text, images or even videos to support the lesson. It also helps keep students interest and helps them see the big picture instead of just moving slide to slide such as in power point.
For older students (4-5 grade), Prezi can be a useful tool when discussing a book or selection of text. There is the ability to zoom in or out of a certain part of a passage to closer analyze single sentences, or zoom out to see the whole part at once. The tools used in the basics of Prezi can help with this. It's helpful to have it all accessible with a click instead of having to find it in a book or zoom in and out of a word document.
In art class Prezi can be used to zoom in on certain parts of an image for discussion and imitation
Provide multiple means of
Representation (Content)
Display presentation for students that allows for a more in-depth look at content (images, videos, etc.).
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