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Classtools: Brainy Box

Page history last edited by jackie parker 7 years, 9 months ago



Classtools: Brainy Box

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Brainy Box is a great presentation and storytelling tool for both teachers and students.  The site allows users to input text, images, and videos onto a six sided interactive cube which can then be rotated and presented.  


Visit the site and click through the sample box to see how it works


A screen shot of a Brainy Box in progress 




From www.teachersfirst.com

  • Create a cube about a particular person or event from history.
  • Create a cube to include specific information from characters in novels.
  • Create a Brainy box to illustrate vocabulary words with matching images.
  • Use a Brainy Box as a visual aid for student presentations.
  • Produce a "Who" cube with an image and five key aspects of a character
  • Summarize a key topic with two facts, two images, and two videos
  • Summarize a key event looking at different times in history.
  • Use photo cubes for sequencing practice.
  • Art students can create a cube with images of their own work as an opener to a portfolio web site.
  • Share this tool as an option for a "visual aid" during speech units or to present images as art of a research report.
  • Challenge gifted students to create visual "puzzles" where viewers must guess the word or concept that the images have in common. 







Provide multiple means of

Representation (Content)


Provide multiple means of

Action and Expression (Product)

  Create a Brainy Box demonstrating mastery of a concept.    

Provide multiple means of

Engagement (Process)




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