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Page history last edited by jackie parker 7 years, 8 months ago



Tagul Word Clouds


Grade Level Appropriate:




Free for non-commercial use.



Tagul is an online word cloud generator that enables you to create clouds in shapes. You can customize every bit of Tagul word clouds including: words, shapes, fonts, colors, layouts and more! 


Some ideas include: 

  • a book quiz
  • studying how an author writes
  • summarizing
  • comparing themes
  • analyzing character traits


 ways to use word clouds in the classroom





Provide multiple means of

Representation (Content)

Share word clouds of synonyms or antonyms with students. 

Provide multiple means of

Action and Expression (Product)

      Students can create a word cloud to display their character analysis. 

Provide multiple means of

Engagement (Process)

  Students add examples of different parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) as brainstorming for writing ideas.  




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